We at Geiss Med Hospice understand how deeply important it is to find the right Hospice care for you and your loved one.

We add a personal touch to hospice care, treating you and your loved ones like our family.

Let us help you determine if we are the right fit for you!

Choosing a hospice provider is a significant decision, and understanding the qualifications that make a hospice company reputable and trustworthy is crucial. At Geiss Med Hospice, we prioritize transparency and excellence in care. Here are the qualifications that set us apart.

-We are fully licensed to operate as a hospice care provider in our service areas. Our agency meets all Medicare conditions of participation, ensuring compliance with federal regulations for hospice care.

-Our team consists of experienced healthcare professionals, including registered nurses, certified hospice aides, social workers, and spiritual counselors.

-We offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients, including pain management, symptom control, and emotional support.

-Our caregivers undergo extensive training in hospice care principles, ensuring they deliver compassionate and skilled care to our patients. We provide ongoing support and education for caregivers and family members, empowering them with the knowledge and resources they need. We believe in clear, open communication with our patients, families, and healthcare partners, providing information and support every step of the way.

-We prioritize the preferences and values of our patients, collaborating closely with them and their families to develop personalized care plans that honor their wishes.

-Integrity and ethical conduct are at the core of our practice. We uphold the highest standards of honesty, respect, and confidentiality in all our interactions. We regularly evaluate our services through patient feedback, quality assessments, and outcome measures, ensuring continuous improvement in the care we provide.

At Geiss Med Hospice, we understand the importance of choosing a hospice provider you can trust during such a sensitive time. Our qualifications reflect our commitment to delivering compassionate, dignified, and expert care to every individual we serve.