America's veterans have done everything asked of them in their mission to serve our country, and we want to be there for them when they are faced with a life-limiting, terminal illness.

So we take great care to ensure America's veterans receive the care and attention they need and so richly deserve. We are proud partners in We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Trained through the We Honor Veterans program, our hospice professionals understand the unique issues veterans and their families face, and can assist you with:

- Medication and pain management

- Medical equipment

- Physicians

- Skilled, registered, and licensed nurses

- Certified nursing assistants

- Counseling

- Grief and bereavement support

- Spiritual care

- Volunteer assistance

Vet-to-Vet Volunteer Program 

What is the importance of Veteran volunteers? 

  • Volunteers are essential to the  delivery of quality hospice care 

  • Veterans are part of a distinct culture with their own common language and experience

  • When Veterans interact, their common language and experience can form a strong relational bond 

  • The camaraderie created between Veterans has been proven to be supportive for all involved 

What can Veteran volunteers do? 

  • Assist Veterans in reminiscing and telling life stories 

  • Educate and assist patients in receiving Veteran benefits 

  • Take part in pinning ceremonies and other recognition events for Veterans 

  • Assist in replacing lost medals